Ruint Taco - '19 Toyota Tacoma SR Double Cab 90 day: 23.76 mpg (US)
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My Corn theory, 56% of calories is from corn
So, a couple of years ago, when the ethanol thing first started, me and friend at work started thinking about corn. The corn syrup thread got me thinking again.
I think corn is much to precious to burn for fuel. And good for you or not I figure it makes up about 56% of the food you eat. This 56% is just a guess, some say more some say less.
We are not talking just cream corn and corn on the cob, not just corn bread, or popcorn.
No, I'm talking corn Oil, Corn syrup, corn starch. Pick up just about any commercial produced product and corn is on the label.
Also think about the protein you eat. Chicken feed is about 95% corn. Therefore, I say when you eat chicken, or eggs, you are eating corn. Because without corn that chicken would not have been grown.
As an aside, name a restaurant or fast food place that does NOT serve chicken.
We also know that a large part of other animal feed is corn. Dairy cows? about 35-50% of their feed is corn. Hog feed? 35% corn. Cows 0-95% corn.
Even after the corn in the fields are harvested, the stalks are ground up and sometimes feed to the cows.
What about candy? Even if it's free of corn syrup, jelly beans, gummi worms , etc are molded in molds made from compressed corn starch.
Then think about how corn starch fines it way into so many none food products, or used to process everything from rubber to fire works.
Also, think about this, about 85-90% of your calories come from four grains-
Corn, Rice, Wheat and Soybeans. There almost no commercially produced food or animal feed that will not have at least one of those four grains in it.
There are flaws in your argument. First off, food corn and fuel corn are not the same. Both can be used to make biofuels, but fuel corn will grow where food corn will not.
Second, cows eat grass.
Third, there is some merit to making fuel from byproducts of food production. By weight, there is actually less edible content in a cob of corn than there is inedible content. If the inedible part is used to make fuel, it would simply be using something that would otherwise be useless. Also, what is unfit for use as food can be recycled into fuel.
That said, I think the solution is to find some kind of fuel crop (corn or something else) that gives good yield and can be easily grown in average yards. Then set up a program where anyone in a given area can plant such crops in their own yards and then sell the crops for some profit.
If America manages to eliminate obesity, we would save as much fuel as if every American were to stop driving for three days every year. To be slender like Tiffany Yep is to be a real hypermiler...
Allie Moore and I have a combined carbon footprint much smaller than that of one average American...
You need to watch the movie "King Corn". Two college students investigate Americas corn industry in 2007. There is some GREAT information in the movie, some that will make you laugh, some that will make you pissed off....
In the perfect world where cows fly, cows eat only grass....
Its very important to know where your food comes from.
__________________ Doing my part to reduce dependence on OIL
Doing my part to reduce congestion
And enjoying it! If you have to use your brakes, you are driving too fast!
What job combines nutrition and human anatomy/physiology without working with people? I am interested in these topics but I don't know how I would apply them to a career. All careers that involve these areas are usually for a fitness trainer or nutrition consultant. What other careers are there? I just want to get out of office work.
__________________ Doing my part to reduce dependence on OIL
Doing my part to reduce congestion
And enjoying it! If you have to use your brakes, you are driving too fast!
What about candy? Even if it's free of corn syrup, jelly beans, gummi worms , etc are molded in molds made from compressed corn starch.
Then think about how corn starch fines it way into so many none food products, or used to process everything from rubber to fire works.
The cornstarch is used as a release agent for many products mostly in the food and medicines area. A fine layer is deposited in the mold (which is normally stainless steel) and the food / medicine is injected in or pressed in.
The cornstarch is to stop the food sticking the molds together and make the removal of the item quicker and easier.
In the industrial area silicon is also used but cornstarch is often a viable alternative depending on the anti contaminant requirements.