I think they've filtered through the years as maritime rules, so yeah, I see 'em being pretty universal, with the occasional adjustment.
While I ride, I just hope for the best/prepare for the worst, and I've only been caught off guard once in about 40,000 miles... and that was an 84 year old woman who suddenly backed out of her driveway into me. I did manage to accelerate enough that she clipped my back wheel instead of me.
Another incident that comes to mind: a young punk and his girlfriend blew past me in a convertible Corvette, and he yelled something rude. I don't even remember what it was, but it was directed at me as a cyclist. This was in downtown Little Rock, so I was easily able to keep up with traffic and catch them again. I leaned casually on his door and admired his car, "Nice 'Vette, man. Be a shame if something happened to it, eh? Good luck finding a place to park!"
I rode off when the light changed, and I cut across a couple alleys, meeting his eye from a couple corners, then he finally gunned it and headed back toward the freeway.
Yeah, I now consider my "threat" childish, something I wouldn't bother with now, but man... I got a big kick out of it then.