Originally Posted by robchalmers
Good point about the beer, french beer is better and cheaper!!!
How is that possible, can you buy mild in France now ? Although Pelforth Brun is superb if you could bring me some back...
I am late to the debate (as usual) however my suggestions would be :
1. Cheap tent from Tesco - they cost £6 and weigh nothing. And you can throw it away and save weight on the way back. Same for any other camping gear - you save on the return journey.
2. 2x5litre cans of Diesel for emergencies. You don't need a full jerrycan but they do sell them in Machine Mart if you feel the need. 2x5 litres should get you ~100-130 miles which should be enough ? They weigh 10-15KG max when full.
3. Tyres to the max for gliding / cruising - this has made the most difference in Helga and I'm obsessive now about when I can feel the ride softening - clue : fillings still in place.
4. Remove the rear seats if you don't need them, same for the spare and jack. Instead uprate your AA card to Europe cover and take a can of tyre sealer.
5. Pressure wash to remove crud which is also weight and also rust
6. Italian tune up before you go + a couple of "0-60 Diesel Additive" bottles. I have an unscientific 5-10% gain from these.
After that its technique such as drafting and coasting where possible. I haven't done that part of France so I don't know it too well - I haven't done Le Mans ... yet maybe.