I hope this gives you a better idea of what I'm after.
#Relativity light, sleek powered by 750 Kawasaki w/c horizontal service engine. 27HP stock.
Passengers, plural?
Now I'm concerned about the drivetrain packaging. What's the length of the motorcycle trans/VW differential. You might drop the chain drive for an adapter plate. You'd wind up with something along the lines of the R. Q. Riley X-3 or the Blackjack Zero.
As for the windshield, with staggered seating 48-50" seems excessive. My Superbeetle has a windshield that's 42" across the base. The trick is that it's 48" across the B-pillar. Thus the windshield header and aft is within the frontal area. The glass is flat but it doesn't make much of a difference as there is no need for the flow to reattach.
I just happened to notice the colored text in Permalink #1. Edits to the first post can be missed by people who are just trying to keep up.