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Old 12-08-2014, 11:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Need advice on using a P&S motorcontroller on a vectrix.

Hi! , my name is Albert and I live in Spain.Please forgive my english cause isn't my mother tongue.I proudly own a vectrix VX-1 NIMH electric scooter.The problem of the bike , is that the desig of the vectrix often tend to fail , ( IGBT , motorcontroller , encoder , ICM , charger , etc).I love to ride that bike , and i'm begin to love the electric vehicles and the DIY stuff.So in consideration that something on the vectrix will fail , i decided to made an open version of the vectrix.Now i'm making list of parts and stuff i will need.

Regarding the Motorcontroller , the vectrix uses a Parker Motorcontroller.

The motor is a permanent magnet DC brushless 3 phase radial air gap.

7 kw continous and 21 kw peak.

The windings in the motor are commanded by and encoder.

So i need advice and help.¿Can the open revolt motorcontroller command that kind of motor?¿Can i get regenerative braking in some way? ( the vectrix uses a D.a.R.T patented system.

Thank you , and happy to be part of the ecomodder community.

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Old 12-09-2014, 11:34 PM   #2 (permalink)
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If it's a 3 phase permanent magnet brushless DC with an encoder, then yes! Well, the AC board I recently did can drive that no problem with field oriented control. You would need 3 dual igbts, 2 current sensors, a film capacitor, and a control/driver board. I just finished 2 prototypes that should be good to 150kw. It is tested on an AC induction motor. I just got a brushless motor for testing, but it needs an encoder.

The regen is easy peasy. If you have a throttle that goes both ways, with center being zero throttle, then you just command negative throttle while going forward to regen. The throttle commands torque, so if you want lots of torque, just twist it a lot. If you want lots of regen, just turn it lots the other way.
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Old 12-16-2014, 07:29 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Thanks for your reply Paul , but I don't need 150 kw of power ( but i supose that if you run that controller to only 21 kw , there's a lot of room left to not have to put a chill plate).

The P&S motorcontroller that is offered on your web is not enough?Can I adquire the kit directly from you?

Is a modification needed for the specs I give you or i just need a generic version of the P&S cougar 500 Amps motorcontroller?

Is the parker encoder compatible with you system?

Thanks in advance for your advice and your time.
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Old 12-16-2014, 07:47 PM   #4 (permalink)
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The one on the website is just a brushed DC controller that wouldn't work. I need to do a smaller version for things like what you have in mind. The 150kw version is pretty bit and is definitely made to fit in a car and not a motorbike.
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Old 12-17-2014, 08:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
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So , what are my options?

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