Well, noticed the 150 watt eq led was about the right size at the base.
Following YouTube directions removed the plastic cover off the bulb, unlike the video it took extreme prejudice and force using a large vice grips to rip the plastic out of the seam
Then spun the led base in the glass fixture opening to find both were slightly irregular and wouldn’t fish in.
Got out a hack saw and finished cutting two corners off the aluminum base as if I were making a triangle.
I could then just barely fish in the led base into the glass a19 fixture.
Despite being much more pleasant than the bulb without the milky glass fixture the round glass came to a point at the bottom making a searing hot sunlike concentration of light that blinded.
I dropped a foil square over the point of the fixture and place two small foil reflectors taped to the bulb aligned in the direction of the hallway shading the places that would blind me.
Despite foil covering the bottom tip light still works it’s way around with a slight shadow, might look silly with 3 shadows in there but now it lights the whole hallway, doesn’t work as a space heater and doesn’t blind me on entering the hall.
This lead without it’s plastic cover should also last a long time due to better cooling especially compared to the 30 year old incandescent flood light that was up there.