Been reading a lot on the forum regarding O2 sensors - which one to buy, costs, wiring types etc etc...
The VX I picked up in Dec of 2010 has/had issues that I am methodically working my way through...
One of them was the dreaded runs like crud/sputters/misses etc.
The bench mark was the 1st tank of gas that yielded 35.5 mpg.
I found that ALL 4 tires were under inflated - 19,19,23 & 29 psi. I inflated them to 45 - 50 psi.
I unplugged the O2 sensor and it runs like a champ now !
With these changes, it yielded 45.6 mpg on the next tank. Based on what I've read, there's gotta be more in there

I know that driving habits are key as well, which I am being VERY conscious of.
My question is, how much does an O2 increase mpg ? Has anyone ever done an comparative analysis of running a tank with the O2 connected vs it disconnected to see the actual mpg increase/decrease ?
Bottom line is I'd like to know how long the pay off would be if I ponied up for one.
As a side question, whats the down fall of NOT having the O2 connected, aside from decreased mpg ?
Thanks for listening and hopefully responding !