Originally Posted by youcancallmeTEX
Oh boy, I figured there would be a couple of people like this. I am not what you would call an environmentalist, I'm mainly using this for looking at options of what I can do to save me some money, and I will not waste my time arguing with you. So if you don't have anything reasonable to say please don't Comment on my post.Thank you 
That's the whole point: I AM saying something reasonable, but do you want to hear it ?
It doesn't make any sense at all to buy a gas guzzling monster truck for commuting to college, and then go and look for ways to hope to improve your gas mileage.
No matter how much you go over its EPA rating, you'll never get anywhere near a really decent fuel economy out of it.
You don't need to be an environmentalist to understand that.
All it takes is a bit of common sense.
That exceedingly rare commodity will also come in handy at college, BTW.
You don't need to waste your time arguing with me if you'd rather be wasting your money on gas, or wasting your time on the odd job to pay for it all.