That truck looks like a GEM Car swallowed a Metro Mite truck.

Or it's the hideous offspring of a Grumman LLV and a 1950 Divco.
What's the drag coefficient of a 1950 Divco? Take that design, pump up the size a bit. Styling *done* and actually decent to look at.
The current Postal vehicles could be run through a shop like London Buses used to.
Scrap the current drivetrains (literally, melt them down to recycle) and adapt something currently in production.
Do any of these proposals / prototypes include an all wheel drive version for rural routes on unpaved roads that don't get plowed unless Bob Farmer does it with his tractor?
The USPS money problems stem a lot from their requirement to massively overfund their employee pension fund. How many billion $ do they have sitting there? Are they expecting every employee to retire with 40 years service and live to 150? If they could just take $1BN to apply to things the service really needs to update...