I have a long list of scapegoats, usually ending with Mrs Thatcher - I usually blame her for everything from the lack of world peace to my lawn mower failing the other weekend. Its just a habit I gained in the 80s.
Update - A trip from Embra to Cumbernauld today netted me mid-70s MPG on the SG2, it was getting better on the way back with some quite aggressive P&G both up and down hill. I'm not as familiar as I thought I was with the hills on this route so I did what I could with the route and cruised at 60 behind trucks for the remainder.
The trick to get P&G to work seemed to be a lower gear, so I hit 3rd and used between 4 and 5K rpm to go from roughly 55 to 65-70 on the pulse and then glide down to 55.
I'm back to normal tomorrow so I'll see if I can get my first >60 trip to work (uphill).