We all know geothermal is the way to go for A/C. But if you dont have thousands of dollars to dig up your yard and lay pipe

this could be the next best thing, depending on where you live.
I was considering useing some ducting and water mist injection on the condencer coils of a home A/C unit.
If you live some where the humity is 100% all the time it might not work so well. The water mist could collect on the condencer coils and leave behind hard water deposits (bad).
Now where I am the humity is around 25% or less most of the time, and swamp coolers can make the inside of the house sticky some times.
What I would do is set up a few feet of ducting leading to the inlet of the condencers just enough distance to evap the water, so any deposits act like dust more than anything.
I would build the mist system out of the biggest water mist injection nozzles (15gph@100psi) for vehicle applications and use a 12v surflo agro pump to boost up the pressure to about 60psi.
Turning the pump on and off would be easy, just have to use the power going to the condencer fan to flip a relay or use it to straight up power a transformer for the water pump.
Has any one tried anything like that?