Originally Posted by jamesqf
Humm... Now you've got me wondering about doing something similar with an 80-84 Subaru 4WD wagon. Could maybe bolt in a newer (e.g. fuel injected &c) engine...
I think they bolt in newer ej22's and such to achieve more power and better FE by default. Those old 4x4 GL's are really cool. You have to do significant body lifts or body cutting to get the same size tires as you can on these VW's, or so I have read.
Originally Posted by leety
The type 1 & 3 is both awesome, as is the Karman Ghia!
Before I came across my '92 HOnda VX I was going to go for a Super Beetle. Lighter than the Karman Ghia and best Aero of all the Type 1's. Curved front windshield is probably why. Better safety features, IRS of course that started in 1969. McPhearson struts in the front instead of shocks shocks so better handling. Then don't get me started about stopping, disk brakes, well the come in handy and the SB has 'em. You can get a Freeway Flyer transmission with taller gears and I hear you can build a very lean burning engine. Best thing is to put the oil cooler in the front of the car and take it out of the hairdryer shroud. The nice thing about the SB is there's a cool place to park an oil cooler in the front of the car. Behind the grill under the bumper.
Here's an article about building a sippy motor for a type 1.
VW Type 1 Mileage Master MPG Engine Combo -
Whatever you do have a blast. All air cooled VW's are a kikin' good fun.
I actually have that link bookmarked already
I think the SB is the hardest to prep for offroad and larger tires, but after reading that, I'm definitely going to look into it!!! And the oil cooler spot you are talking about, is that the vented area the factory optional A/C stuff went in?
Originally Posted by kafer65
John also has the 13:1 compression pistons (AND COMBO) which allow them to be able to go so lean that they run cooler. I was a hairs breadth away from ordering a set this time for my engine build. I'm not sure if I have the compatible cam and I know I don't have the right ignition setup right now either. I'm confident I could put my dual Webers back on rejet and get near35 mpg with my rig if I took the roof rack off. I've got the super beetle 3.88 r&p, but I have a tight 1.14 4th gear. May I say the Quaife diff is sublime 
Leaner and cooler eh? I'll have to go read about that! I think my goal is 30mpg given what I want and what I want to do with it.
Originally Posted by aardvarcus
While they are not nearly as nifty as the two vehicles you have posted, is there a reason you wouldn’t want to start with an older Tacoma or 4Runner? A 4 cylinder 5 speed 4wd version of one of those would already be fairly efficient fuel wise and fairly capable off-road wise right out of the box. There is also plenty of aftermarket support for those platforms. Not trying to discourage your other ideas, just wondering aloud.
I LOVE tacos! If I could find a cheap 4x4 taco in good condition... Wait that will never happen where I live

A year ago I looked for a little ranger to run around in, just an older 4x4, they were either trashed or way too much

I've always got my eyes out for those little trucks.
Who knows what I'll end up with, and when it will be lol. Thanks for the comments everyone!