Hello all....yes my surname is french...grand father.
I would like to make a point about using good quility fuel.
I once thought that I would save money by using fuel (diesel) from my local shoping centre (mall) filling station that was about 25p a gallon cheaper than my shell garage.......WRONG...

.I actualy got less miles per gallon and the car wouldnt run or start tidy.....felt underpowerd.
Once I refilled with my usual fuel the car was well again

Has anyone else had the same experiance.
I usualy get 83.1 miles per gallon combined (I usualy drive at 50 mph-motoway).
my car is a Citroen C3 1.4 hdi (70bhp...ecu modded to 92bhp).
It is a sensodrive model...manual box with shift paddles or auto mode.
No it does not have the stop start system fitted to it (I turn it off myself at lights that i know where im going to be stoped at for about 1 min or so).
This is a very good site for information (I like the mods for the rear wheel covers
