I mail-ordered a couple of parts for the project. That included a pilot bearing and a clutch alignment tool.
Both the Mercedes 4-speed and the Chevy T5 transmissions have a 15mm tip of the transmission input shaft. This means that I should be able to use a stock 1976 Mercedes 240D pilot bearing for the project. I looked up that part and ordered one.
When it arrived, I was sort of surprised to see that it was just a plain ball-bearing. It is NOT a roller bearing, nor does it have a seal on it. I didn't see a bronze bearing listed on any of the auto parts web sites for that car either.
Will a ball-bearing work fine for this project? I would just assume that I would have to add some good grease in there and "permanently" lubricate it.
The bearing fit fine on the transmission and was just snug enough on the crankshaft to not be able to push it right into the hole. I've been told that the way to do it is to put the bearing in the freezer for 24 hours, and it will shrink just enough to pop right in.
I tried out the clutch alignment tool. It's one designed for a 1995 Chevy S-10. The tip fits the pilot bearing and the splines fit the clutch disc that I have (which fits the flywheel.)
Here's some photos. Just generally testing everything together it seems like everything should fit OK. Right now, my main concern is whether or not I should actually use that bearing for the pilot.
Any advice?