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Old 11-20-2011, 09:25 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Doesn't the Hyundai have the dual clutch 6 speed transmsion. Basically an automated manual?
I have the low end Accent. I would like to get the autotrans someday.

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Old 11-20-2011, 09:37 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Bottom line is acceleration should be brisk for best mileage, Around peak torque should get you very close. Slow acceleration means slightly higher mileage (than brisk) but for a considerably longer time. Try to maintain your 80% load on acceleration as long as ti does not keep you in lower gears.
Interesting. I always thought slow acceleration was better for FE.
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Old 11-20-2011, 11:24 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Most here recommend acceleration at 80% of wide open throttle. While it will use more fuel per instant of time, you get to your desired speed much faster than very gradual acceleration. Understand that WOT can be a confusing term. Does it mean you have it floored? Does it men you have no manifold vacuum?

I have found that the best rate of acceleration in any automatic is as fast as you can accelerate without delaying the up shifts in the transmission.

Try accelerating and make a note of the speed at which your transmission shifts into the next higher gear. Gradually increase the throttle position on each of the next accelerations until you get to the point where the transmission stays in the lower gear longer than at lower throttle positions.

Then back off until you have found the "sweet spot" where you are not delaying up shifts but accelerating at the perfect rate, just bellow the shift "hold" point.

That gets you to speed with the least amount of fuel consumed and allows your car to spend more time cruising instead of spending more time accelerating. In watching my cars that have instant fuel economy I saw that the difference in fuel consumption would be fairly small, while the time accelerating could be as much as 50% less. Getting there faster uses less fuel when you consider the time spent at a higher rate of consumption.


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