Unless you're cruising below 2000 rpm I'd use p&g. I don't have a kill switch. I just use the key. I do find some benefit to p&g in the Odyssey, with its automatic that runs 1900 rpm @ 60 mph, but it's slim. I have to be on top of my game and watching the SG like a hawk.
You'll see less benefit at such high speeds because air drag will slow your glides much faster. Aerodynamic drag is based on the square of speed, so 75*75=5625 and 60*60=3600, or 56% more drag for 25% more speed. Still, an Accord is more aerodynamic than my Fit (or an MR2), so the drag hurts it slightly less.

11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles