Update for Sep 4
hex file dated Sep 2, 2015 was loaded into the AC controller
- plug PICkit3 into AC board ICSP header
- plug usb cable into laptop
- start software to load hex file into controller
- while that's running, turn on 12V to controller (not high voltage)
- connect to controller via PICkit3
- erase controller
- load hex file from USB stick
- program controller with hex file
- disconnect from controller
- exit software
- turn off 12V to controller
- remove USB from laptop
- disconnect PICkit3 from controller
Start hyperterm at 115,200 baud, n, 8, 1 with no handshaking
Start capture to 220.txt
type - nothing is echoed?
check serial cable - not seated well. Push the connectors all the way together and try again
file 220 is listed below
AC controller firmware, ver. 1.0
kp-id 2000
ki-id 0
// no response. Check serial cable
// still no response - cycle power, both high and low voltage
AC controller firmware, ver. 1.0
// precharge is definitely not 5 seconds
That was the end of the test. Besides echo of the commands, the program appears to do nothing with these parameters. But this used to generate an output.
Shut everything down. Discharge the high voltage bus. wait for 2 minutes. Power up and start again. File 221.txt
AC controller firmware, ver. 1.0
Again, no response. Did I kill the controller somehow? How can I tell? The programmer shows that the program was successfully loaded. The PICkit3 and software respond to the erase command.
Go back to the last hex file I have, burn it into the controller again ... just to make sure that SOMETHING still works.
- Repeat the procedure above with the older hex file.
After the hex file is burned, disconnect the PICkit 3, connect with hyperterminal and capture data to 222.txt, which is attached. The first part is reproduced below.
AC controller firmware, ver. 1.0
The output is not great, but the controller reacts to the run-pi-test command, so I don't think I killed anything.
It's almost like the hex file was corrupted somehow ... but now my dim little brain recalls that Paul's email included a warning -
Hello! I got the controller up and running out there, and hooked up 120v nominal batteries (to be like your setup) and did a fairly significant update to the code. Here's the most recent hex file. Do you have a throttle attached? I have a high pedal lockout setup right now.
for those of us who missed it the first time , here's a recap ...
I have a high pedal lockout setup right now.
Oh yeah. That would make the controller completely ignore me until the throttle comes into range .. too bad it took me until I was writing the update before I figured that out!
I guess I'm set for testing on Tuesday, when I get back home!