I powered up the AC controller today with just control power. It printed the powerup message
AC Controller firmware ver 1.0
Throttle out of range! Is it unplugged?
Which, of course, it was. So I powered it down and looked up the pinout (5V, Gnd, Throttle - seen from the edge of the board, looking toward the IGBTs) .
Connect a throttle - a Honda civic hall effect throttle. 5V to pin 3, Brown. Gnd to pin 2 Blu. Throttle to pin 1 yel. Power up the board - same message.
Power down and remove the throttle signal from the controller pin. Power up and check the throttle. 1.00V minimum, up to 4.6V at full throttle. Looks fine.
Start up the controller and begin logging the raw throttle and the scaled throttle. 0000 raw, -4051 for scaled ... that's weird.
Put the throttle signal onto the controller while logging. No change on the logging. Measure the voltage - it is now -0.16V referenced to the throttle ground. How?
Tried the other channel on the Honda throttle. After powering off and moving wires around - 5V to pin 6 Grey, GND to pin5 blu, throttle to pin 4 purple. Disconnect throttle from the controller. Power up. 0.51V minimum, up to 2.33V at max. 1/2 of the other channel. Makes sense since they are supposed to be related.
Connect the throttle signal up while logging and the controller stopped. Looks like it did a reset. I may have touched the 5V signal, but the input should be high impedance - right? it's a hall effect throttle - not much current available!
Paul - any troubleshooting advice?
I think I will order some pin headers so that I am not tempted to use small gator cordsets for this type of stuff. Hopefully I didn't break anything
The logging still lists 0000 and -4051 for raw throttle and throttle. It's almost like the input pin is tied low with a low resistance ... except that it goes below 0V?