Originally Posted by shovel
We all do stuff that's not natural. We all pollute.
You're the one who seems to have missed the points. First point is that it's not about polluting or not polluting, it's about tearing around, and tearing up, large areas of landscape in ways that prevent other people from enjoying them. So I have a computer. Nothing about that keeps you from having, or not having, one of your own.
For a perhaps closer analogy, say I own a gun. Some people might not like that, but if I use it appropriately, for hunting, target shooting, or self-defense, they have no valid objection. But if I chose to take it into a city and start firing shots at random, they sure as shooting (if you'll pardon the expression) do. Same reasoning applies to your off-roaders, in reverse.
Second point is where this started, which is the basic logical contradiction in off-road drivers thinking that their hobby is somehow getting them away from the noise & chaos of civilization, when in fact they're riding around in large producers of said noise & chaos. And often as not, inflicting in on those who were trying to get away.