Well with the new gizmo you can do quite a bit to protect the battery and or cycle it a bit to try and improve it.
Here is a summary of the button/unit functions in the V11 software.
* Button/Device Functions. *
We have three buttons and four different lengths of button presses.
<0.5s = Short press for Up/Down Buttons [SP]
<1s = Short press for Cancel Button [SP]
0.5 - 3s = Medium press for Up/Down Buttons [MP]
1 - 3s = Medium press for Cancel Button [MP]
4 - 5s = Long press [LP]
6 - 8.5s = Very Long press [VLP]
Each button has the following functions.
Assist (Right/Up) Button [Red Led]
Short press = Inc Assist Level or Dec Regen level (Assist has 4 steps/clicks) 25,50,75,100%
Medium press = Max Assist
Long press = Toggle Assist Battery Protect Mode. Limits all Assist request to ~12A
Very Long press = Toggle OEM Assist Enable/Disable
Regen (Left/Down) Button [Green Led]
Short press = Inc Regen Level or Dec Assist level (Regen has 5 steps/clicks) 0,25,50,75,100% [Note the first click activates IMA load balance mode.]
Medium press = Max Regen
Long press = Toggle Regen Battery Protect Mode. Limits all Regen request to ~6A
Very Long press = Toggle OEM Regen Enable/Disable
Cancel (Middle) Button
Short press = Cancel any Manual Assist/Regen or Cruise Control Mode
Medium press = Activate Cruise Control Mode. (Target Speed = Speed when Cruise activated) (Flashing Red/Green Led)
Long press = Toggle AutoCancel Assist/Regen <5mph Mode. Default is ON
Very Long press = Toggle IMAC&C Enable/Disable and reset to program defaults
Sounds tricky but it's only four connections behind the glove box then away you go.