Originally Posted by Phase
Wonder what a better tire size for my Ioniq would be. I have the eco 185/65/15s. Wonder how a skinnier tire at like 155 or 165 would affect mpg.
*GM used tires as narrow as 145mm with their Aero 2002/ 2003A concepts.
* The tire circumference to wheel arch gap needs to remain constant.
* The outside face position of the sidewall needs to remain constant.
* The load rating needs to be equal.
* Lateral G-Force loading / adhesion ( skid-pad ) capability needs to be equivalent.
* Speed rating needs to be equivalent.
* Dry traction rating ( compounding, tread design ).
* Wet traction rating ( compounding, tread design ).
* Temperature rating.
Wheel fairings can reduce aerodynamic wheel drag by up to 70%.