I stopped by the side of the road today on my way to Long Beach and let him use my phone to call AAA. Nothing I could phyiscally do to help, his poor VW has poured oil all over the road!
I jumped a lady's car at the mall parking lot a while back, she said she asked 3 previous people and they told her they "don't want to damage their car".
Helped changed my extremely inept friends transmission fluid on his 1991 Vic. Got a Transmission fluid bath, was nice and warm. Actually it burned the **** out of me but that's k, his 3rd and 4th gear stopped slipping so it was worth it!
And now for the most ridiculous story of them all, I honestly don't think you are going to believe it but, that's ok.
I was about 15-16, so this was 6-7 years ago. Black lady with 3 kids (2 very small, probably under 3) and one about 5 or 6. Her car wouldn't start. It cranked just fine, but wouldn't start, so I thought fuel problem. Removed spark plugs, which I was able to do with my hands, they were horrendously lose. I smelled fuel so I figured that wasn't the problem. I asked her for a rag, or something I could wipe stuff off with, and she handed me a kids sock. I wiped off all her spark plugs and wham! Engine started right up, what, the hell. I have never, and will never stop telling that story because it was the weirdest thing I have ever come across, I didn't even believe it when I saw it. And now that I think of it, maybe it was just a lose spark plug wire that I reseated when I put them back in, who knows.