Originally Posted by BamZipPow
Allowing CO (carbon monoxide) into the car interior is very dangerous as it is an odorless gas
CO may be colourless, but some people (like me) will taste it when it combines with saliva.
While CO is odourless, car exhaust fumes definitely aren't.
The other smells are an indicator wether exhaust gas is being pulled in.
Crank up the ventilation, and you won't have much of an issue.
I've driven with the rear hatch open numerous times - as do many hatch or break owners
I've never even remotely come close to sucking in CO to a dangerous level.
Visiting old folks with natural gas stoves (literally, a dying breed !) is more dangerous ...
I can - and do - instantly tell them to have their stoves adjusted.
Closest I've ever been, was when an injector seal gave in, and exhaust fumes were being pulled from under the hood by the ventilation system.