Originally Posted by worthrj
I reach full temperature in 1 mile. Thanks. I so want to get a mirage like you. Thanks old mechanic.
While your coolant may reach operating temp in a minute,your car requires a minimum of 22-miles of driving at a constant 50-mph just to reach equilibrium temperatures for all the lubricants,minimizing hydrodynamic losses in anything bathed in oil.Tires and belts are good within a couple of miles.
These temperature effects plus your short, stop-and-go commute,is eating your lunch.
A hybrid can recover some of this lost energy.
You'll never shed enough mass to make up 4 mpg under these conditions.Aero isn't going to do a bunch for you in an urban setting.
I suspect that your constant-speed,highway mpg is already above 40-mpg.
Perhaps there's some sense of traffic light timing that you could take advantage of,although being in traffic can make it difficult to 'hit' green lights.