see the drag (simple method for visualizing airflow patterns)
you can see the drag if you mix up lampblack with water. not too runny but too wet to dry fast. be ready to move. then paint about a inch or so dots on 1/2 the car. drive fast. the dots will follow the airstream and show smooth flow and turbulence. if your a cut and tape man you can see more or less were to fill in. i don't think it will matter on the street that much, because back in the day ,i was a kid reading about it, you could go to a beach speed week and see what yours could do on the harder sand with their clocks. after they got their fastest time some would cut and tape. from what i can remember the top would go up under 10 mph at about 130. and the cars back then were funny boxes. maybe someone who is doing it could go to the library and look up old car mags from the late 50's and early 60's. take a look at the lead sleds to. an idea to fix it on your car maybe, is to tape it and fill the back with spray foam. wax the car, so it will come out easily and glue it back with silicone glue. it will come off the car if you need to work on it, or sell the car. sand and bodo it to a smooth shape.. i don't think silicone will melt that kind of foam but you should try on a small patch first