I did a 200 mile round trip on the Mass pike today and noticed that
it was a little easier to hear my radio and tapes. Road noise has dropped!
I was in a bit of a hurry to get out there this AM, so I set the cc to 62
and only slowed down on hills that started dropping me below 20 MPG.
Outbound, I got 30.2 MPG. I noticed when going down good hills,
I could get up to around 70 MPH while getting 70 MPG..
On the way back, it was the Sunday afternoon rush hour.
I stayed in the right lane going 63 and only had a few cars
come up behind me and pass. But, in the other lanes, they were flying!
Had a light headwind on the way out (3 to 4 MPH) and the same tailwind coming back.
I got 31.8 MPG on the way back. (200 mile average 31 MPG).
And, there is about 12 miles of gas eating backstreets and red lights mixed in with that 200 mile roadtrip.
Since I was not able drive slow much at all, the mileage isn't
all that great. (I got 33 MPG highway in a test last week).
But, 31 MPG at highway speeds is pretty good the old CRV. Better than I expected.
I'm pleased with the reduction in noise.. I'm going to take that as a sign
that the tape is doing some good..