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Old 10-16-2008, 01:43 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Skeeter - '05 Toyota Corolla LE
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I'll take a look at that putty knife technique. Gotta dig out the repair manual pdf again.

I'm hoping to get started on the permanenty upper grill block this weekend (Fiance is out of town and I need something to do while waiting on my Guino). But, in the mean time, since the weather is starting to turn colder I decided to work on the lower grill block.

Here's my highly complicated, extraordinarily expensive, and arduously laborious mod. Of clear packing tape.

Got about 75-80% of the opening covered including the license plate. When I do the real thing the open part is the same area I plan on having the "active" section. On this morning's commute it held up ok, coasting seemed to be better at highway speeds at certain downhill sections (increased speed vs maintaining in neutral) and the temps didn't go crazy (didn't hear the fan come on in local driving).

I didn't notice if it warmed up any faster than usual, but I'll keep an eye on it.

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Name:	pass-side.jpg
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ID:	1935   Click image for larger version

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Views:	133
Size:	24.7 KB
ID:	1936   Click image for larger version

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Views:	132
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Old 10-20-2008, 02:35 PM   #12 (permalink)
i_am_socket's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Jersey
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Skeeter - '05 Toyota Corolla LE
90 day: 35.55 mpg (US)
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Thanked 8 Times in 6 Posts
More updates! I spent a good chunk of Saturday working on the upper grill block:

Here's the cheapy replacement. That center clip had to be removed.

Here's the top corner connection and some excess plastic that also needed to be removed.

There was actually quite a bit of plastic that needed to be removed to make it fit.

Here's the current packing tape covered grill. The plastic had worn to the point where I was poking holes in it with my finger by picking it up. Definitely time to be replaced.

Here's the new one in place with tin foil to protect the car from the expanding foam (Great Stuff).

With the foam sprayed in, it looks like it's got a nasty sinus infection

I left it to cure for a few hours and this is what I come back to. To quote The Tick: gravity is a harsh mistress.

I have since taken it off, put the old one back on, and laid it down horizontal to finish filling in those gaps. I wanted it a little over the bumper so I could get a clean transition from bumper to hood there. On Sunday, I was going to put the cured foam block back on to shape and sand, but after I got back from my half marathon that morning, I had no energy left for that. Most likely next weekend I'll have the time to shape and sand, so I'll have to get some putty to smooth it out before I paint it. I was going to do fiberglass, but I don't have the patience for that.

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