Much like LED light bulbs save you money, Smart Battery Lithium Ion Batteries can save you thousands of dollars when compared to high quality Lead & AGM batteries over time.
Their least expensive battery is $289.99 and is guaranteed for five years. I think that my Costco battery was $75 and warranted for three years. Is the time involved in replacing my battery 60% more often worth $214.99?
I really do not think the weight difference makes a measurable improvement in fuel economy.
They are supposed to last ten years.
I want to have Chorizo for a decade, but my record so far was four years, and I had more repairs on that car than all of the rest.
They claim that GM, the United States Coast Guard, NOAA, and NASA use their batteries, as well as hundreds of others top companies and manufacturers.
Established in 2002 The Smart Battery Factory has been transforming the industry for over a decade. Our newest factory just finished in June 2013 employees over 3000 highly trained engineers and technicians. From start to finish this high production factory builds thousands of Smart Battery 12V Lithium Ion Batteries every year.
Do they build batteries for ants? I had not heard of them.