I`ve recently got my first car, an 1988 Audi 80 (
Audi 80 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) 1.8S with mono-jetronic (
Jetronic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) engine. Car on itself runs good (previous owner handled ir really good), alas, it is running expensive on gas. I don`t know why, but it can ride (in city) 50km with 8l of gas which gives me 6.25 kilometers per liter (which is, I can ride 31.0685596 miles with 2.11337642 gallons and that gives me 14,700911445 MPG). It`s way too much, I`ve tried 108 eccodriving suggestions but still nothing.
That`s why I wanted some MPG meter, but there are no meter for these cars. I`m aware of "single-point injection" and "Mono-Jetronic is different from all other known single-point systems, in that it only relies on a throttle position sensor for judging the engine load.", these could be starting entries for me.
I`ve googled around a lot, i`ve looked in forum for mono-jetronic engines, for similar vehicles, for audi 80, even audi 4000 and keywords from "was marketed as TBI (by GM) or CFI (by Ford)" but still nothing.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!