For the Mustang I did 3 tank averages with block on and block off and the MPH increased 1 MPG with it on. I didn't know about the cooling effects until I hit a deer. When it was repaired I noticed the AC wasn't as cold as I remembered. When I reinstalled the grill block The AC was ice cold again. So the block helped with cooling.
For the Dodge truck, it had cooling problems climbing hills with heavy loads. After the block the temp gage never moves off normal and I even when climbed a large hill that is known to over heat trucks with a 800# load and the gauge never moved off normal. The MPG gain was tested with a scan gauge since it only gets filled every 3 months or so. The increase was around a 1/2 MPG but at 13 tops it is still a 3% increase. Even without the increase the grill block is still well worth the effort.