Today I finished the installation of the additional gear on the Burgman.
The pictures show how the gear is connected to the lever on the left hand side.
It only takes a thumb movement without taking my hand from the handle bar to shift up or down.
A first ride shows that shifting up is best done by approx. 45 mph.
Shifting back to low is best done at low speed of 25 mph to make it smooth.
Although also from very low speed it is possible to stay in second without hic ups of the engine.
First test on the highway gave a topspeed over 100 mph. Thats where I stopped , it ran out of scale. Gearing in total is 25% different from standard in combination with improved aerodynamics this made the improved topspeed. Although I am not going to use it in my daily travel to work, it is nice to know that you have some spare speed available under the right hand grip.
What it brings on FE is to be seen after some tank fills.