Originally Posted by ECONORAM
Am I understanding correctly? A pre-assembled unit (mine is from meelis) will run this revised code? How does one go about loading it? Any special software or equipment? Thanks in advance and thanks for all the work. Dave
Thank you. It is a nice collaborative effort, and it's good to build off the already-capable original MPGuino code.
As for your questions, my code should run on the meelis hardware, as I am given to understand that the meelis hardware is a legacy MPGuino design. However, there appears to be no programming port on the meelis unit, as there is on the JBD unit.
meelis MPGuino - no programming port
JellyBeanDriver MPGuino - ISP programming port on other side of chip socket, opposite clock crystal (silvery) can
You would have to unsocket the AtMega integrated circuit on your meelis hardware, then mail it off to me so I could reprogram it. I am considering charging $5 to ship off pre-programmed AtMega ICs, as an alternative.