For various reasons, I need to have my fiberglass tonnau cover. Storage, lockability, etc. Sure I may upgrade to a custom made fiberglass aero cap some day, but money won't allow it atm.
On the Chevy's and Dodge's they add these plastic tops to their tailgates that have a small wing to them. Ford also puts a small wing incorperated into the tailgate as well. It's apparently effective to a small amount.
My question:
If i have a hard fiberglass cover, would it be worthwhile to mount one of these chevy or dodge bolt on types to the cover? If not, i'm adding on a handle anyways. I need something because it doesn't have a handle atm and every time I lift the cover it greases up the paint all over the back. Quite annoying. I thought if these "spoilers" are effective at ALL, that it would make for a good handle as well.
Let me know what you think!
PS. My watching snow/rain/etc. shows that the wind on highway hits cover about 3/4 of the way back, not at the very end. This is at about 60 mph. Perhaps at 70 it's closer to back. Dunno if this is relavent.