Heey i found your topic
And me as a crazy one liter driver also thinking about an alternative.
I've got some idea's:
1) Stirling engine
2) Solar
3) Seebeck-effect
4) Some guy on a dutch forum said to change the coolliquid whit ethanol (boiling point 80C ) and power a steam engine whit it.

Or just raise the pressure of the coolwater to about 1.5-2 bar will also down the boilingpoint...
But we have some 80-90 degrees hot water in the car. So i think we can do something whit that.
Or make a combined constuction.
What i was wondering, you said that u just diconected the cable and not removed the alternator. Will this also give improvement? When yes would it be possible to keep the alternator and just putt some more energy in to the circuit from outside (like with solar pannels)
We could also remove some lights (like breaking light, daylight etc) and replace it whit a Led construction. Going from 15-30 watts to 1.
I will try to get/make a small Stiling engine who can run a default alternator.
And would a new alternator be an improvement. Like mine is from 1992 (thats 16 year old).