Hey everyone, It's time I get into this game since it looks fun
So far I have changed my driving style and habbits and jeeze driving like grandma has really helped
( no offense). I have turned my 21 mpg 2 ton sedan into a 28.7 mpg champ! All by just driving like my grandma.
Here is what I plan on doing before going extreme( bolting panels onto the car and such)
Now, the Mercedes Benz OM617.952( turbocharged 5 cylinder, federal emissions) has what we on the mercedes forums call an ALDA. This device limits fuel at launch for particulate control. It's basically an altitude compensator as well. Right now I have it adjusted for more power off the line. Surprisingly It doesn't smoke at all. But by adjusting it (screwing the set screw in) I can lower the amount of fuel delivered at launch as well as keep my launch speed down.
I really lucked out with the 1985 model year car since it has 2.88 gears in the rear end. Compared to the other years, the 2.88 yields the best mpg. The 4 speed slush box also gives better mpg's compared to a 4 speed swap since it helps keep the turbo in the optimum range.
Body wise... she's a brick. I need to figure out how to calculate frontal area
I could block off the grill and seal it off but I don't know what the negative effects would be on my engine.
I have swapped out the US spec lights
After ( with new wheels)
( and yes that is a Delorean DMC-12 I am towing!!!!!!It's my friends.. I found it for him ... 3 blocks from his house...I too aspire to "Live the dream" one day and own one)
My wheels are not the stock wheels. I upgraded to a 15" alloy wheel. I do have a line on some ultra light wheels.. If I want them I need to get weight on everything.
I can also swap out my US Spec bumpers for some euro specs which are smaller and probably lighter. The US bumpers are pretty heavy.
The driver, me, is a very light person so I think I can stay light and save some weight with the car
My extreme plans are to get some fender skirts made for the rear, delete the wipers, external mirrors. I lucked out again because the antenna is retractable. A member on one of the Mercedes forums got a rare AMG front air dam for this chassis ( W123) and will be making repop's... It might help... since there is currently nothing under the front bumper save for a small grill.
I also wish there was some form of mechanical mpg counter, I did notice the thread on it and will be watching for updates.