I want to bounce this question around... It might prove useful when shopping for cars and cost v benefit analysis.
How to determine the maximum fuel efficiency of a particular engine/transmission/car set.
I ask this question because when I enter my neighborhood, I try to keep it in 5th with no throttle input - just let it idle right around 19 or so mph. I get ~50mpg on the SG while doing so.
So in that condition - throttle input is at it's lowest (in my case, the same clutch in or out) and rpm's were at the theoretical minimum (engine idle).
Vitals on a flat, no wind, fully warm
TPS: 3 (out of 75)
MPG: 50.0
MPH: ~15
RPM: ~800
Road: Asphalt
If anyone else would like to post what their car gets, that'd be great
So obviously speed isn't exactly linear to throttle position. I'm curious if there's any existing methodology to measure this, or, if it's simply a moot point