First the President complains of the Iranian nuclear program.
Now that that's thoroughly debunked he's apparently moved on to a more
tried-and-true path to war.
And now
this tidbit from Stephen Hadley, Bush's national security adviser:
"This was a very provocative act by the Iranians and ... came very close to resulting in an altercation between our forces and their forces,"
"They've got to be very careful about this because if it happens again they are going to bear the consequences,"
worse yet are the many "news" articles portraying this as some kind of legitimate confrontation.
In particular,
Time magazine has this to say of the incident, "On Sunday, five armed naval units from Iran's Revolutionary Guards aggressively challenged three U.S. Navy ships passing into the Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz."
"Armed naval units"?! I guess they meant those 5 ski boats.
"Aggressively challenged"?! I don't have any idea what that's supposed to mean.
I know, I know,
USS Cole right? Little inflatable dinghy laden with explosives kills 17 injures 39. But those are are lone terrorists we're talking about, Iran is a sovereign country. We've tolerated massively more confrontational encounters with the USSR without this level of national "freak out."
I've been saying for the last few years that this administration will provoke a war with Iran, and I truly hope that I'm wrong about that. But every time I think that they don't have the political capital or credibility to do it, they come up with another way to make it happen.