I'm in San Francisco for the summer, doing some awesome summer engineering work

Last year I was doing something similar for a different company and drove out to the bay area... That was a)a lot of fuel and b)tons of CO2 (literally).
This year, I flew out - with my awesome recumbent bike

I've been here for about a week (still working out living arrangements) but, so far, things have been working out well without a car.... Traffic has been friendly, for the most part - the Bart (subway) is a little complicated as some entry turnstile things close on me while getting though with my bike :/
So I'll drop by this section of the forums with some updates of living without a car... I know there's some stuff in the blog already, but I figure some recumbent perspective would be good
For now, here's a picture next to this awesome truck thing we saw while riding in east bay to get some organic free dumpster bread

The "High Mobility All Terrain Vehicle" is a Pinzgauer according to the for sale ($15,000 obo or trade for aircraft) sign.
So ya - from human powered vehicle competition... now to human powered transportation... and I'm working for a company developing human powered energy solutions

I like human power