Troubeshooting a new board
I bought and assembled a Spiffie v2.1 MPGuino kit, and it doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated!
1) If I connect to the board with USB, nothing happens until I load the sketch to the board. Then, the display lights up and the program is running.
2) If I connect with external power (either wallwart USB or wallwart RJ11), nothing happens.
3) I poked around with the multimeter, everything seems to be connected/not shorted. However, the output from the voltage regulator seems to be at 4.3-4.5 V. Is that unusually low?
4) Also, the input to the voltage regulator is at only 2.5 V when using USB power. That seems weird.
5) I assume that the program should load and start automatically when power is applied. Is this true? Is there a "start" or "reset" command that needs to be applied?