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Old 06-29-2008, 09:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Help me disable my daytime running lights for more fuel efficiency....

DRL = Daytime Running Lights = Head Lights that turn on and stay on when you switch the car on EVEN DURING THE DAY.

ANL = Automatic Night Time Lights = The additional headlights (on top of the DRL) that turn on automatically when it is night-time.

I got all this from here: DADRL - How To Disable DRLs

1- disable ONLY DRL's
2- disable ONLY Automatic Night time Lights
3- Disable BOTH DRLS and Automatic Night time lights
4- ???????????????????? (snip & tape ends of wire at pin 12).

To do #1: Kill DRL, cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other.
To do #2: Cut connecting legs to the board, pins 19 & 20.
To do #3: cut yellow wire (or leg 8 DRL relay), ground the module end of wire.

What is #4????

what the hell does the 12th pin mod Snip & tape do?

Does it kill ONLY DRLs? does it kill DRL And Automatic night-time lights?

Cause I WANT Automatic night-time lights but I DONT WANT DRLS....

Plz let me know, If I get this straight I'll mod both my corolla (05) and my brother's corolla (04), DRL is stupid, wastes gas and adds more glare for other drivers.

While I'm working out what exactly mod 4 will do, you can see earlier on this same page an image showing where pin 12 is, you can see the image again here:

I've made my own version of where I THINK pin 10 and 11 are, and what I THINK i am supposed to do based on the wording of #1 please let me know if I'm right or wrong:

I AM ONLY SPECULATING IN THE ABOVE IMAGE, STILL NOT SURE WHERE PIN 10 and 11 ARE!! AND WHAT "BOARD" and "OUTGOING" mean Please don't mod your car based on the above image.

Also, I'm unclear on the wording "cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other."

what does it mean by "board side" and "outgoing" ? By board side does it mean the side of the cable comeing out of the dashboard or does it mean the side of the cable comeing out of the circuit board )? What about "external switch" ? like make a switch so I can ground and unground pin 11 at will? What about leg 2? does that mean leg 2 is ground?

Is my image correct?


Last edited by blackjackel; 06-29-2008 at 09:43 AM..
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Old 06-29-2008, 12:50 PM   #2 (permalink)
Did you get that thing?
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As far as I can tell you only need to interrupt pin 12 red/white. Vibe/Matrix DRL-Auto Light On Off Switch Installation I'm not sure if thats the one you were using, but I believe the matrix/vibe should be the same as the corolla. I would try to disconnect the battery, cut the red/white on pin 12 and then reconnect the battery and turn the ign on and see if they go off.

Edit: I believe that this method will disable both auto and drl lights, which you don't want. I saw a thread on a forum of a guy who did the
Kill DRL, cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other
mod and had problems with the autolight function. He said that at night when you started the car they came on fine, but if you were driving and it got dark while you were driving, they never came on.

Last edited by reformed; 06-29-2008 at 06:29 PM..
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Old 07-01-2008, 04:34 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by reformed View Post
As far as I can tell you only need to interrupt pin 12 red/white. Vibe/Matrix DRL-Auto Light On Off Switch Installation I'm not sure if thats the one you were using, but I believe the matrix/vibe should be the same as the corolla. I would try to disconnect the battery, cut the red/white on pin 12 and then reconnect the battery and turn the ign on and see if they go off.

Edit: I believe that this method will disable both auto and drl lights, which you don't want. I saw a thread on a forum of a guy who did the mod and had problems with the autolight function. He said that at night when you started the car they came on fine, but if you were driving and it got dark while you were driving, they never came on.
Thats interesting, i scoured the internet for people who have tried the mod and I've found someone who also said they had problems but didn't say anything specific... \do you know which forum you were on when you saw that post? I want to go look that up and ask the guy a question...

\I wonder what year he tried that mod on...
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Old 07-01-2008, 04:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
Did you get that thing?
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I don't remember which forum I found that on. I just kept clicking related links in the link you posted and found a couple of forums in the links eventually... most of the threads were at least a year old and some were 4 yrs old so you might need a little luck to get a response.

I'm not 100% on this but I am about 99.9%.. as far as I've seen, there hasn't been any difference in wiring between the matrix/vibe and the corolla, and I've done work on quite a few in my day (wiring wise), so You can probably broaden your search and look those cars up for info too.
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Old 07-04-2008, 09:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by reformed View Post
I don't remember which forum I found that on. I just kept clicking related links in the link you posted and found a couple of forums in the links eventually... most of the threads were at least a year old and some were 4 yrs old so you might need a little luck to get a response.

I'm not 100% on this but I am about 99.9%.. as far as I've seen, there hasn't been any difference in wiring between the matrix/vibe and the corolla, and I've done work on quite a few in my day (wiring wise), so You can probably broaden your search and look those cars up for info too.

Cool, is my wiring diagram that I put up correct? Does it show what I'm supposed to do based on what its telling me?
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Old 07-05-2008, 05:26 PM   #6 (permalink)
Did you get that thing?
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Well, as far as I can see you are correct. Its tough to tell because of the wording they are using but from my understanding, and from how it looks in your picture, you are doing it the way I would do it.

Its fuzzy to me because usually plugs aren't numbered in that way. They don't normally start at the bottom row and then go to the top of the row to finish the sequence, but in this case, I'm assuming the first 2 pins are the larger gauge wires and thats just how they did it. Double check the clip with a bright flashlight. Usually the clips are marked with a "1" on the first pin and somethimes they will mark the first number of the second row and/or the last pin in the plug. These marking are TINY and you REALLY have to look for them sometimes. I only say all this because I'm very cautious about doing things like this without being 100% positive that they are the right wires, and not just assuming because the right color wires are in the spots that make the most sense.. done that before and blew up a BCM.. not a cheap fix! So I like to verify with my own 2 eyes instead of just trusting someone elses judgement.

When they say board side, I'm assuming they mean circuit board side of the light module (the box in the picture). When they say "leg 10", I have to assume they mean the wire coming out of pin 10. I'm also assuming that pin 2 is just a ground, and thats just an easier way to ground the board side of 11. "Outgoing" is a pretty poor choice of words if I understand what they mean correctly, just hook the remaining unused sides of 10 and 11 together. From the picture its tough to tell but it looks like the red/blk is pin 11 and the red/wht is pin 10.. just be sure you are using the last 2 pins on the bottom row when you do this, and like I said, try in any way possible, to verify right on the plug that those are the right pins. Good Luck!
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Old 07-05-2008, 06:20 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Is this a non-hybrid car you're doing this for? Will this really be worth the mpg? I thought of disabling this on my civic (luckily all I have to do is remove one fuse), but wasn't sure if I'd even gain 1 mpg from it in a non-hybrid.
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Old 07-27-2008, 11:27 PM   #8 (permalink)
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blackjackel -

I just found this :

HOW TO: Disable DRL or AUTO LIGHTS or BOTH - 9thgencorolla.com
2003 Pontiac Vibe (and Toyota Matrix), Toyota Corolla
Great site with pictures!
Automatic headlight and DRL disable information.

DRL module located above brake pedal. Remove module. Cut connecting legs to the board, pins 19 & 20, to kill auto lights.

Kill DRL, cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other.

Method 2 Kill both DRL and auto lights, cut yellow wire (or leg 8 DRL relay), ground the module end of wire.
This website from the above quote ...

Vibe/Matrix DRL-Auto Light On Off Switch Installation

... looks very familiar to your original "DADRL" URL, but it has more pictures!!!!!!!!!



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