DRL = Daytime Running Lights = Head Lights that turn on and stay on when you switch the car on EVEN DURING THE DAY.
ANL = Automatic Night Time Lights = The additional headlights (on top of the DRL) that turn on automatically when it is night-time.
I got all this from here:
DADRL - How To Disable DRLs
1- disable ONLY DRL's
2- disable ONLY Automatic Night time Lights
3- Disable BOTH DRLS and Automatic Night time lights
4- ???????????????????? (snip & tape ends of wire at pin 12).
To do #1: Kill DRL, cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other.
To do #2: Cut connecting legs to the board, pins 19 & 20.
To do #3: cut yellow wire (or leg 8 DRL relay), ground the module end of wire.
What is #4????
what the hell does the 12th pin mod Snip & tape do?
Does it kill ONLY DRLs? does it kill DRL And Automatic night-time lights?
Cause I WANT Automatic night-time lights but I DONT WANT DRLS....
Plz let me know, If I get this straight I'll mod both my corolla (05) and my brother's corolla (04), DRL is stupid, wastes gas and adds more glare for other drivers.
While I'm working out what exactly mod 4 will do, you can see earlier on this same page an image showing where pin 12 is, you can see the image again here:
I've made my own version of where I THINK pin 10 and 11 are, and what I THINK i am supposed to do based on the wording of #1 please let me know if I'm right or wrong:
I AM ONLY SPECULATING IN THE ABOVE IMAGE, STILL NOT SURE WHERE PIN 10 and 11 ARE!! AND WHAT "BOARD" and "OUTGOING" mean Please don't mod your car based on the above image.
Also, I'm unclear on the wording "cut legs 10 and 11, leave board side of 10 open, connect board end of 11 to ground (external switch or to leg 2), connect outgoing 10 and 11 to each other."
what does it mean by "board side" and "outgoing" ? By board side does it mean the side of the cable comeing out of the dashboard or does it mean the side of the cable comeing out of the circuit board )? What about "external switch" ? like make a switch so I can ground and unground pin 11 at will? What about leg 2? does that mean leg 2 is ground?
Is my image correct?