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Old 07-22-2008, 03:18 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Jersey
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Skeeter - '05 Toyota Corolla LE
90 day: 35.55 mpg (US)
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I used to take a local road with lots of P&G opportunity to a circle to hop on the Parkway to get to work. The road surface at the circle was crappy and when they started construction on it I was happy.

Then they installed 4 lights around that little circle. If you need to go around it, you must pass through at least 2; I'd have needed to go through 3. My solution: found a route going the opposite direction that gets me to highway speed faster and connects to the Parkway a bit further up than the old one. Distance is a wash and the lights are timed better the new way.


And while we're ranting on lights One light I get stuck at on the way home is incredibly stupid. It's a T intersection; using the letter as the illustration I'd be going right to left across the top. The light has a left turn only signal that stops straight traffic through that intersection. HUH?!

At a nearby similar intersection (the next light specifically), but coming left to right across the top, there's a light for right turn traffic. At times it will stop right turn traffic while allowing straight across traffic. HUH?!

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