I'm from the UK and have been reducing fuel for several years, originally by choosing more fuel-efficient models when changing vehicles and in the last couple of years by improving my driving style - hypermiling.
In the last 7 or 8 years we've gone from sporty Audi RS4 (25-ish MPG (UK gallons) Petrol), through Audi A4 (40-ish Diesel), Volkswagen Scirocco (60-ish Diesel) and about to change to Volkswagen Golf GT Blue Motion (should be about 80-ish and still sub-10 second sporty 0-60 MPH acceleration - although not at 80MPG I expect!)
We also have a Renault Espace 2.2 litre diesel (people carrier) which does fewer miles, but has good "form" when hypermiling. Used to get 30 mpg in my old driving style, quite often get 45 now, and 40 mpg is now fairly normal.
I'd like to have better knowledge about my performance, I'm pretty Geeky like that, and as such I would like to know fuel usage, and whether coasting or not, at given GPS locations. On routes I do regularly I know that the speed for Bend-A is X-MPH and that I have to start costing from speed Y-MPH at point Z along the route ... I'm sure you all do this too

... but I would like to record all that and try different scenarios along my route.
Most of our driving is on local country lanes, so the skill for hypermiling is predominantly knowing that the next bend is Speed-X and the Point-Z at which to start coasting. We do have a bit of commuting in traffic (the new Golf will have engine-stop when Neutral selected in stationary traffic), and we do some motorway/freeway cruising on longer journeys (although, in the UK, it is rare to be on a motorway/freeway journey and not get stuck in either slow or stationary traffic)
I've read lots of posts, but some/many for several years ago, and I have some questions - apologies if they have been answered in threads that I have not yet found:
1a) I see the ScanGauge touted here; my vehicles have both Trip-journey and Instant MPG, Average MPG, Distance etc. Does ScanGauge add a lot to this?
1b) I don't use the instant MPG readout, it jumps around all over the place (take my foot off accelerator and I'm instantly doing 200MPG regardless of speed and whether on the flat or coming down a mountain road!). Am I missing something here in terms of being able to "tune" my driving style?
2) I see that ScanGauge needs calibration from full fuel-tank to refill. Sounds fine. My Speedometer is pretty optimistic (+3-4MPH compared to my SatNav), thus I have little faith in the accuracy of my Odometer - does that matter? or should I just consider using ScanGauge as a "relative" measurement for comparing one technique/situation with another? (thinking about it I don't believe the inbuilt MPG readout, but I do "trust" it as a relative measurement from one trip to the next)
3) I expect our vehicles have the right sort of modern conenctor for OBD-II [I can check that of course), but what I am interested in is logging the throttle, gear-selection/neutral, speed, MPG, and GPS location; can I get that from ScanGauge? or perhaps take a data feed from ScanGauge and combine with SatNav for GPS perhaps?
Many thanks for your help