Work in Progress, a definate understatement!
This thread is to document the EcoModding of the UnNamed Wagon.
This is the 'build thread' and not the 'contest thread'.
See link for 'contest thread' (Contest runs through the end of Feb '08):
'Win $100.00 in Free Gas! Design Contest: Ecomod my Ride'
Here is the Car: 1997 Ford Escort 5spd SW
A low mileage (18K) parts car was purchased (from Ebay) for the engine and various other parts:
First things First...I want to get a fresh PA State Inspection and Emissions Certification on the vehicle prior to modification. Looking over the vehicle (before taking it to the garage), I saw a few items and attended to them:
Emergency/Handbrake Cables Frozen - Replaced with new.
Tires worn out - Replaced with used alloys and tires from parts car.
Rear Coils Springs Broken - Replaced with complete strut assy from parts car.
These item are now completed. After the New Year, I will register the vehicle and take it into my local garage to get the Insp. and Emiss.
I also started (not finished yet) the vehicle on a diet and removed almost 100lbs from the vehicle. No longer has the (rear) seat, seatbelts, paneling, carpeting, spare and various hardware/brackets. Above items weighed in at 97.2lbs.
I have also already removed the engine/trans from the parts car and have it stored for future use. I will utilize the current engine until I have the trans 'built'. When I install the new trans, I will install the low mileage engine.
This is the first of many posts

I will try to keep it updated with pics along the way.
Let it begin!