Upcoming project/ purchase
I have a few projects that I have going currently that I think can stand to make some gains from the information provided on this site. I was wanting to get some help with a few things. Anybody know if the VW Bluemotion TDI engines can be imported to the US? Or does anyone know of a TDI engine that can easily be used on a rear wheel drive vehicle? Any help would be appreciated. I also look forward to any information that may help that is specific to tuning a diesel engine for better fuel economy.
"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers.”
― Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns Fifty
Change your frame of mind. 
“driving at the speed limit--hideous thought.”
― Stephenie Meyer