I've just received my new Vacuum Gauge. Went to search for where to plug it in. search a little more, scratched my head a few time, punch a hole here and there, cut a little, put in the T, wire everything back the way to normal.
Start the car, then I only see 4-5 psi on Idle... damn, Starts revving a little, goes down to 1-2 psi...
Searched a little more, find exactly what I cut up. Realise I messed up. Search for more information. Found my throttle body, look for a hose, nothing, find my MAP sensor, no hose there. ...
I'm in a bit of a fight here.
To worsen my situation, there is no haynes manual for my 2004 jeep wrangler...
This is a picture of my actual motor compartment.
Could someone help me to figure out which hose should be the one!