Originally Posted by spacemanspif
How many people would actually slow down, anyway? Speed limits around here are 65mph and NO ONE drives that speed. Changing the sign won't do anything because they are all ignored anyway.
I have driven the hundred and sixty-five miles between Show Low and whichever suburb of Phoenix that I inhabited dozens of times in the last twelve years and there has always been construction in at least one point, often at the bottom of a big hill. I do not know what they were doing in one of the areas, but the only sign of construction was construction signs. I was driving fifty-five in a twenty-five-mile-an-hour construction zone (fines doubled!) with a line of cars behind me as far as I could see.
I know that, by law, I was required to pull over once there were five vehicles behind me, but I was also speeding by a terrible margin, with people regularly passing me illegally.
So, I should have driven 25 MPH for that ten-mile stretch, and pulled over each time there were five cars behind me?
I just laughed and wondered if they were also getting 49.6 MPG. The ones that passed me certainly were not.
People do what they want, just ask my ex-girlfriend.