Well, here's one of my own. It has nothing to do with saving gas... BUT it is about being ecofriendly. You see I built a house, at least over 98% of it, by using parts I gathered from the local McMansion House building sites. I've never bought a 2 X 4, or OSB Sheathing. Got all the wiring for free, had to buy some little bits of PVC and the water pump. Not a sink, toilet, tub or jacuzzi tub (I have both) or either HotTub (I have 2). The Vid's a couple of years old and doesn't include the back deck (made from walk in freezer wall panels or the outside Movie Theater Screen. I also got the tools to build it mostly from the dumpsters, the lawn mowers, the snow blowers, the air compressors, all the yard furniture and almost all the furniture inside the house too. House is about 1500 sq ft nowadays with 2 heated/insulated/plumbed/drywalled outbuildings and a barn. All from recycled materials. Here's a link to the vid
Hope that works. If you wanna see more you can check out
Remember, if ya get it out of the trash and use it, we all don't have to breathe it (if it's headed for the incinerator) or live on top of it if it's headed for the dump. Save this Planet! John