I was correcting some miss-information in a different Forum on the internet and thought I'd throw it out here as well for the furtherance of human knowledgement.
Information grabbed from
The Honda Fact Book
The dyno graph from Honda on the VX:

PS = Metric Horsepower (very close to international HP) = 92 HP (international)
Green Shading = kgm = Torque (kilogram meters); 13.9 (kg m) = 100.538893 ft. pounds
Blue Shading = g/PS-h = Fuel Consumption = grams of fuel consumed per hour per horsepower at a given engine speed. Weight of one US gallon of fuel ~6.5Lbs. = 2,948 grams.
Anyone care to make a little conversion to Gallons per hour from the information provided as a reference to future information seekers? I don't have the time to put into that right now and though it would be good to share.
Hope this info helps out for the archives.