This is from D.M.Waters' research,which appears in Hucho's section on RV travel trailers.
Waters tested the drag of a rectangular box with progressive rounding of all edges.
The drag is a function of the size of the radii,expressed as a percentage of the square-root of the frontal area.
For simplicity,I've used a rectangle of equal width/height.
Three views are represented: side elevation at bottom,plan-view above it,and front elevation to the lower left.
You may see a similarity to Airstream type bodies.

From Waters' curve,the drag minimum occurs when the radii are equal to 39% of the square root of the frontal area.(lower than a cylinder with two convex hemisphere's tacked on each face).
Here you see how E.M'o'ller softened the original Volkswagen delivery van of 1951 to shave the coefficient of aerodynamic drag from Cd 0.76,to Cd 0.42.

This is a 'guess' as to what M'o'llers model may have looked like.The data is very limited

Wolf Heinrich Hucho experienced similar results during the wind tunnel development of the Volkswagen Vanagon in 1969.