Hey Nachtritter,
"What options are there for a more efficient diesel engine that's not reciprocating?"
So to answer your question there are many emerging diesel engine designs being currently tested and look very promising. Some are completely new designs and some are old designs with efficiency upgrades.
I will try my best to give a solid run down of the options.
#1. OPOC = Opposed Piston Opposed Cylinder this is a novel design and takes two old designs and merges them into one. The first OPOC engine in theory was the Bourke engine Current company that is working on this is Ecomotor =
Technology | EcoMotors
Article Link =
The OPOC Engine, 100 mpg? | Fuel-Efficient-Vehicles.org
#2. Revetec Engine = The REVETEC Engine design consists of two counter-rotating “Trilobate” (three lobed) cams geared together, so both cams contribute to forward motion. Revetec =
Revetec Australia - Technology
Article Link =
The Revetec X4v2 | Fuel-Efficient-Vehicles.org
#3. Reisser cycle engine = The reisser engine uses a pair of opposing torus-shaped pistons (they look like a section of a doughnut) that oscillate in a rotary motion. Reisser =
Article Link =
Niama Reisser - A New Car Company is Born - Diesel Power Magazine
Article about the Reisser NR-1 super mileage prototype car =
#4. Free Piston = The Operation of the engine is based on 'free pistons' (unrestrained by con-rods or crank shaft) being driven back and forth inside cylinders by controlled internal combustion. Permanent magnets are attached to these pistons and move through stator coils, thus generating electric power. Pempek systems =
Free Piston Power Home
Article link =
5 Alternative Engine Architectures - How to Replace the Internal Combustion Engine - Popular Mechanics
#5. Scuderi = The engine is a split cycle design where In a conventional Otto cycle engine, each cylinder performs four strokes per cycle: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. This means that two revolutions of the crankshaft are required for each power stroke. The Scuderi Engine divides these four strokes between two paired cylinders: one for intake/compression and another for power/exhaust. Compressed air is transferred from the compression cylinder to the power cylinder through a crossover passage. Fuel is then injected and fired to produce the power stroke. In a standard Otto cycle engine, the pistons fire every other revolution, however, the Scuderi engine fires every revolution. The Scuderi must have at least two cylinders. In the Scuderi cycle, the power cylinder fires just after the piston has begun its downward motion (after top dead center, or ATDC). This is in contrast to Otto cycle design convention, which calls for combustion just before top dead center (BTDC) in order to allow combustion pressure to build.[12] The Scuderi Group says a thermal efficiency shortcoming seen in previous split-cycle engine designs is eliminated in the Scuderi Engine through the process of firing after top dead center. Firing ATDC in a split-cycle arrangement is claimed to eliminate the losses resulting from recompressing the gas.
Scuderi =
Technology | Scuderi Engine
Article Link =
5 Alternative Engine Architectures - How to Replace the Internal Combustion Engine - Popular Mechanics
#6. MYT Engine = The MYT is an internal combustion engine of new design that features multiple firings in one cycle, producing enormous torque in a small area.
Angellabsllc =
Angel Labs :: Mighty Engine Theory
Article Link =
Directory:Massive Yet Tiny (MYT) Engine - PESWiki
Ok this is not a comprehensive list but it gets the ball rolling into the what I like to call the new age of diesel fueled engines. The 21 century will be exciting as these technologies become mainstream and available. Feel free to add to the list as there are other exciting designs out there honestly my fingers are starting to hurt so add to this list at your leisure